Sun For All Children

Cash Allowance Distribution

September 10 & 16

Malou's death brought a lot of sadness and uncertainty towards the parents and children. Nobody knew what was going to happen next. The cash distribution was the first activity since Malou's passing. The Senior High & College students were very happy we could continue with the Educational Assistance Program. All 11 parent volunteers were happy to help, and two sisters of Malou, Alona (Social Worker) and Alma (Teacher), were heavily involved in the distribution. 18 Senior High + 20 College students were given cash assistance in these 2 days. There are still some students who are missing requirements who will be given assistance.

The pictures below show the Parent Volunteers & those who helped on September 10 (left image) and September 16 (right image).

Parent Volunteers, Raji von Arx, Lyka Felix, Che Che & Lanie Almanzor, and Alma Lariosa pose for a picture.
Parent Volunteers, Raji von Arx, & Lanie Almanzor group photo

Below are images of some of the students who received cash assistance for their studies. From left to right, top to bottom: Grace (Grade 12) & Khismair (Grade 11), Hexene (1st year college) & Dhanielle (1st year college), Nadzmin (1st year college) & Jul (1st year college), Jin (1st year college) & Laika (Grade 11), Missy (Grade 11) & Arianne (Grade 11), and Danice (2nd year college)

Hexenne & Danielle are all smiles after receiving their cash.
Nadzmin & Jul are delighted to get their monetary support
Jin & Laika are beaming after receiving their cash.
Missy & Arianne are in a merry mood after receiving their cash.
Danice looks cheerful after getting her money.